Calculated Fields in Dashboard Alerts in MISys Manufacturing Software
MISys Manufacturing – with release V6.4.5, MISys now supports Calculated Fields in Dashboard Alerts.
Processing Scrap During Manufacturing Order Production In MISys Manufacturing Software
Looping back to our scrapping topic, this post will go through processing scrap during manufacturing order production.
Looking up serial or lot information in MISys
If you have serial or lot tracking enabled in your MISys database, a quick and easy way to look up those items and the associated serial or lot numbers is to review them in the stock control menu.
MISys Manufacturing –Use a Test Company for What-if Forecast Simulations.
Manufacturing leaders are always interested in gaining more visibility about the future because visibility helps define strategy. For the Materials and Production Management leads, creating future strategy such as for the next quarter can be really challenging because it involves finding ways to accurately refine various sales forecast scenarios into the time phased material and production demands.
MISys Manufacturing – Where to find Transaction Data.
When investigating transactions, a handy report to know about is the Master Transaction Log. The log can be run with a variety of parameter settings (below) and can be exported to excel for additional analysis.
Doing a Physical Inventory - Step 1 : Creating Physical Inventory Snapshots and Count Sheets
MISys provides users with the capability of recording a snapshot of current inventory levels (stock, wip, reserve). These recorded inventory levels are then used in determining the variance between inventory and the physical counts.
Barcode Labeling in MISys Manufacturing Software
If you’re looking to start barcoding your inventory in MISys, there are some great standard reports that you can use to your advantage.
MISys Manufacturing – Maintain Data using the Purge and Delete Utilities.
Over time in a manufacturing dbase, the volume of data can build and some of that data will eventually become obsolete. Keeping obsolete data in the system can result in process and performance degradation, so it is a good idea to clear out un-needed data on a regular basis.
MISys Manufacturing - Two Ways to Consolidate MRP PO Details.
MISys MRP consolidates items onto purchase orders in two basic ways. One is by individual MPS dates and the second is by earliest MPS date.
Currencies in MISys Manufacturing Software
If you have enabled the Multi-currency features of MISys Manufacturing, the Currency Services function stores the foreign currencies you wish to associate with your Suppliers and the default exchange rate between those currencies and your home currency.
Qualified Suppliers – Master Files
Now is as good as a time as any to make sure your data is up to snuff.
Manufacturing Improvement – Reporting
Improvement Projects and Manufacturing Control rely on good data to track progress. A straightforward way to get data from a Manufacturing System is with a data export. For example, the actual run times for an operation can be exported to excel in a few minutes. Once exported you can quickly run some basic statistical tests in Excel or Minitab to confirm the data is normally distributed around the mean, which includes detecting data outliers that could adversely impact decisions made from those results.