Qualified Suppliers – Master Files

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Checking your data : Qualified Suppliers in your Master Files

Now is as good as a time as any to make sure your data is up to snuff.

One of the important things you can review in MISys Manufacturing are your Raw Materials (or any item that is purchased) to make sure there is at least ONE qualified supplier with accurate info.

Below – I navigated to an Item Master File and selected the “Suppliers Tab”. 

By default, if there is only ONE supplier it will be considered the “preferred supplier”. If there is more than one supplier, it would be a good idea to designate a preferred supplier using the checkbox.


Alternatively, you can navigate to Supplier Master Files and Select the “Items Tab” and add any items that you would purchase from a designated vendor:



Having qualified suppliers for purchased / raw materials serves many purposes, two of which are : 

1. It allows users who manually create PO’s to quickly navigate and search for qualified items by vendor

Selecting the box circled below when creating a PO will filter any item lookup results to only display qualified items which makes creating PO’s much easier!


2. As a company moves towards implementing and utilizing the benefits of MRP, having a preferred supplier will allow MRP to finalize its processes by knowing which vendors to select/use when auto creating purchase order to buy material that fills demand. Without qualified/preferred suppliers designated, MRP will not be able to create POs to supply those items.

In Summary, whether you’re manually creating POs, setting your system up to use MRP in the future or currently are using MRP – it’s best to ensure all of your Raw Materials and purchased items have at least ONE qualified preferred supplier.

Please reach out if you have any questions!



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