MISys Manufacturing – Using Manufacturing Orders to estimate the sales price for large volumes.
A new Bill of Material provides cost for a single build unit, but how about large volumes where economies of scale would factor in? One solution is to use inactive manufacturing orders to simulate those costs because the setup for an MO operation is amortized over the volume of parts per setup.
MISys Manufacturing – Supply Schedule, Suppliers View.
Many MISys Manufacturing users are familiar with the Visual Production Schedule used for assembly replenishment, it provides a great view of open production orders at a glance. Like the Production Schedule, but seemingly less known is the Visual Supply Schedule that shows Purchased Item replenishment.
MISys Manufacturing - Deferred SLT Assignments
When processing a SLT transaction in MISys, occasionally a situation may come up when the Serial or Lot number is not known or not readily available at the time the transaction takes place.
MISys EXT and Stock Inquiries – Part 2
If you have users on the floor using MISys EXT with handheld devices, and no actual access to a desktop to do stock look ups – you may have noticed that MISys EXT doesn’t have a “stock inquiry feature”. To get around this, there are a couple of options. Last post reviewed using dashboard alerts to retrieve stock information in MISys EXT. This post will use a blanket physical inventory batch to help users with lookups!
MISys Manufacturing – Easy Data Searches and Group Filtering
All Master Files and many other tables can be displayed as a list in MISys. The list can then be searched, filtered, or grouped to quickly find information.
Processing Scrap During Manufacturing Order Production In MISys Manufacturing Software
Looping back to our scrapping topic, this post will go through processing scrap during manufacturing order production.
Internal Alerts in MISys Manufacturing
Did you know that MISys has a set of internal alerts that can provide real time speedy information to its users based on specific criteria?
MISys Manufacturing – Refining your Physical Inventory count sheets using the Advanced Filter.
Counting inventory is challenging at the best of times, so it is good to know that there is a powerful way to refine what appears on a count sheet.
Manufacturing Improvement – the Probabilities of Success.
Statistics are the foundation of the Six Sigma methodology and can be very useful in understanding manufacturing performance and for planning manufacturing improvement. It might be surprising to know that a lot of useful statistical data is likely already available in your manufacturing database.
Bills of Material – Material Detail Types in MISys Manufacturing Software
When entering materials on a Bill of Material (BOM) you have to choose one of 4 different options for the detail type on each line. Each of the 4 options pertains to how that line item calculates based on build quantity and how it transacts when the production order is being processed.
Manufacturing Improvement – Reduce Variables to Improve Scheduling Performance
Successful manufacturing requires effectively bringing together resources, including materials, labor, and machinery to produce something of value. The manufacturing equation can get complex, so finding effective ways to reduce complexity is always a good priority.
MISys Manufacturing – How to Quickly Edit a Bill of Manufacturing
When Routed Operations are synchronized to the introduction of Components, a ‘Bill of Material’ becomes a ‘Bill of Manufacturing’.
With larger Bills of Manufacturing, it can be challenging to visualize the relationship of operations, and into which operations components are being introduced into.