Bills of Material – Material Detail Types in MISys Manufacturing Software

When entering materials on a Bill of Material (BOM) you have to choose one of 4 different options for the detail type on each line.  Each of the 4 options pertains to how that line item calculates based on build quantity and how it transacts when the production order is being processed.

Below is an explanation of how each detail type works:


The four main types include: Standard, Comment, Setup and Consumed. 


A component Item whose quantity depends on the quantity of the Item being assembled. The quantity consumed is proportional to the quantity completed.


A textual entry up to 60 characters in length which can show up as additional information on your printed MO or work order.


A component Item whose quantity is independent of the quantity of the Item being assembled. The quantity is entirely consumed and is not reversible.

The component required quantity will not change as a result of any change to the build quantity.


A component Item whose quantity is independent on the quantity of the Item being assembled, but not disassembled. The quantity is entirely consumed but is reversible.

If you have any questions on how to choose the right detail type when building your BOM’s please reach out to one of us here at Central Nervous Systems. 



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