MISys Manufacturing – Deleting Obsolete Items
Over time, the master files in MISys increase in size and can slow down the system. It’s surprising to find out that many times, master files that were created for a purpose were never used. This creates unnecessary data pollution and can easily be rectified.
Before proceeding with the steps needed to complete the deletion of obsolete items, it is important to review the conditions that apply. To be able to delete an item from the system:
1- Item can not be part of a Bill of Material
2- Item can not be listed in a Purchase Order
3- Item can not be on a Work Order
4- Item can not have any Stock, Reserve or WIP quantities in any of the MISys locations.
Once the above conditions are satisfied:
Navigate to Administration | Company Options | Housekeeping |Delete Obsolete Items
Identify an Item No, range that covers all the items you would like to delete by selecting ‘From’ and ‘To’ fields in the ‘Item Range’ box
Similar selection can be utilized by using Item References instead or in combination with the Item No. range
Select the ‘Last Used’ date, where any items used since this date will not be included for deletion.
Click ‘Preview’, which will give you a list of all items that fit the selected criteria in above steps.
You will note that the selected items will preview with ‘Results’. These ‘Results’ state whether items qualify for deletion (Result= “Ready to Delete”) or items do not qualify the 4 conditions listed above.
Once satisfied with the ‘Preview’, click ‘Proceed’ to delete all obsolete items.
And you are done.
If you have any questions about Deleting Obsolete items in your MISys software, feel free to contact Central Nervous Systems.