Finding a discrepancy between inventory for an item and the serial or lot quantities in MISys?

If you have serial or lot tracking enabled in your MISys database, you may notice that there are discrepancies between your master stock quantity and your total lot stock quantity; or that history of lot tracking has a few gaps. A critical area to review when using serial and lot tracking is the Assign Serial Lot Numbers section of stock control. 

Shown below, you will notice that a dispense stock transaction has yet to be assigned for the Platinum Coating item. Items listed here have been processed but the serial lot tracking information has not been completed; and thus, has entered, what we like to call ‘never never land’ – it’s stuck in limbo.


To correct this, users can select the transaction and complete the assignment.


Completing these assignments will ensure that Lots/Serial Stock information correctly aligns with Location Stock information; it also ensures that your transactions have the necessary traceability that you would expect with serial/lot tracking. 

For more information, please reach out to one of us at CNS.



MISys Manufacturing –Use a Test Company for What-if Forecast Simulations.


MISys Manufacturing – Where to find Transaction Data.