Speeding up your data imports in MISys 6.4.5
If you currently use the MISys Import Function to update standard costs, or master files —> you probably come across the “unresolved” contents error and have to select each one and set to default.
MISys Manufacturing – Using Manufacturing Orders to estimate the sales price for large volumes.
A new Bill of Material provides cost for a single build unit, but how about large volumes where economies of scale would factor in? One solution is to use inactive manufacturing orders to simulate those costs because the setup for an MO operation is amortized over the volume of parts per setup.
MISys Manufacturing – Supply Schedule, Items View.
The Items view of the Supply Schedule can be very useful and provides a representation of the Purchase Order Supply Schedule listed by item. This view groups the same items together from all open Purchase Orders.
MISys Manufacturing – Supply Schedule, Purchase Orders View.
Another great representation of the Purchase Order Supply Schedule is the Purchase Orders view. This view is useful to see the specific details within an open Purchase Order. Click Purchasing/Supply Schedule to open the Supply Schedule and select Purchase Orders at the top right corner. All Open Purchase Order detail lines will list as Gantt bars in the time horizon.
Scrap Inventory in MISys Manufacturing
Did you know there are two ways in MISys to remove broken/scraped inventory from your system.
This post will go through processing scrap using stock control.
MISys Manufacturing – Configure Your Main Menu.
The MISys Main menu is the blue banner to the left of the MISys interface screen and can be quickly configured to include just the Business Functions that a user is involved with.
MISys Manufacturing – the Production Calendar
The MISys Production Calendar is used to record the dates where production is shut down. Setting a date on the Production calendar means that MISys will not schedule any work to take place on that day. The Planner / Scheduler has the option of manually scheduling Production orders to override the Production Calendar dates, however.
Using the Vendor Product Lookup Tool in MISys
If you ever come across a situation where you are looking for corresponding items in your database by using a supplier code or manufacturer product code reference, you can do so by using the product look up tool.
MISys Manufacturing – Updating Mass Data
It is not necessary to use the MISys user interfaces to update much of the data in MISys. For mass data updates, there is a much quicker way to do it...!
MISys Manufacturing – Refining your Physical Inventory count sheets using the Advanced Filter.
Counting inventory is challenging at the best of times, so it is good to know that there is a powerful way to refine what appears on a count sheet.
Bills of Material – Material Detail Types in MISys Manufacturing Software
When entering materials on a Bill of Material (BOM) you have to choose one of 4 different options for the detail type on each line. Each of the 4 options pertains to how that line item calculates based on build quantity and how it transacts when the production order is being processed.
Manufacturing Improvement – Reduce Variables to Improve Scheduling Performance
Successful manufacturing requires effectively bringing together resources, including materials, labor, and machinery to produce something of value. The manufacturing equation can get complex, so finding effective ways to reduce complexity is always a good priority.