Manufacturing Software

MISys Manufacturing – Transferring Items to Sales

MISys Manufacturing  – Transferring Items to Sales

For companies that maintain sales inventory for a customer facing retail or distribution presence, MISys can maintain Sales Stock to pre-defined levels. In turn that sales stock qty provides the sales team with visibility of on hand inventory that can be shipped directly from the warehouse when customers are placing orders.

MISys Manufacturing – Inventory Snapshot

MISys Manufacturing  – Inventory Snapshot

One of the tabs available in the Item Master File is the ‘Stock Movement’ tab. The information on this tab looks like pretty simple information to understand, but it may not be exactly what you think it is. It’s important to fully understand what the displayed data refers to.

MISys Manufacturing – Unit Weight

MISys Manufacturing  – Unit Weight

The ‘Unit Weight’ field in the ‘Master’ tab of the Item Master File is a value used for prorating Additional Costs when calculating the Landed Cost of an item. The unit of measure for the ‘Unit Weight’ is a global setting that is determined under Administration > Company Options ‘General’ tab. Once the unit of measure is set at his page, it’s applied to all items.