MISys Manufacturing – Shop Operations Mobile (SOM)

Hey Folks,  

If you’re an existing Shop Operations Mobile (SOM) custom application user or are a MISys user looking to have your employees scan in and out of a Manufacturing Order to accrue time worked, we have an update for you.  

Our current SOM application allows for users to clock in and out of operations on MO’s, thereby capturing employee actual time on production orders. The current SOM application assumes an MO is fully started and fully completed without any ability to handle partial completions.  

We will be releasing SOM version 2.0 soon, and this version will incorporate some new features such as: 

  • Some custom settings for Job Shop rules, such as not allowing users to clock in to multiple jobs, or allowing for it.  

  • A weighted average means of splitting time worked between jobs and most importantly, partial completions at job stages and ultimate completion.  

If you’re interested in learning more about this custom web application and its features, please reach out to one of us. An introduction to SOM v1 is available here, on our YouTube channel. 




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