Substitute Alternates to Resolve Shortages on Manufacturing Orders.
Component shortages on manufacturing orders are flagged in Yellow (refer to line 8 below). For any shortages that have approved alternates set up, the alternates can be substituted by clicking either ‘Substitute Alternates for All Shortages’, or ‘Substitute Alternates for Selected Material’.
MISys Manufacturing – Maintain Data using the Purge and Delete Utilities.
Over time in a manufacturing dbase, the volume of data can build and some of that data will eventually become obsolete. Keeping obsolete data in the system can result in process and performance degradation, so it is a good idea to clear out un-needed data on a regular basis.
Manufacturing Improvement – MISys and Kanban’s
In many manufacturing environments, the replenishment of Bulk items to a Work Center is triggered by a Kanban signal that goes to the stock room. This is common with visual replenishment methods such as ‘Two-Bin’ or ‘Kanban Cards’.
New features and another great reason to upgrade to MISys 6.4.4
If you haven’t upgraded to MISys 6.4.4, it might be just the reason you need to make the leap.
Manufacturing Improvement – Value: What Customers Pay For
Like the removal of excessive packaging found on many purchased items, manufacturing value can often take some effort to isolate and get at. To help identify production value, establishing operational standards and comparing the output against those standards is an important first step.
Currencies in MISys Manufacturing Software
If you have enabled the Multi-currency features of MISys Manufacturing, the Currency Services function stores the foreign currencies you wish to associate with your Suppliers and the default exchange rate between those currencies and your home currency.
Manufacturing Improvement – Reporting
Improvement Projects and Manufacturing Control rely on good data to track progress. A straightforward way to get data from a Manufacturing System is with a data export. For example, the actual run times for an operation can be exported to excel in a few minutes. Once exported you can quickly run some basic statistical tests in Excel or Minitab to confirm the data is normally distributed around the mean, which includes detecting data outliers that could adversely impact decisions made from those results.
Control Accounts in MISys Manufacturing Software
If you’re using MISys – you may want some clarification on exactly what these control accounts are for and when are they used in transactions – “Scrap Adjustment” will also be included.