New features and another great reason to upgrade to MISys 6.4.4

If you haven’t upgraded to MISys 6.4.4, below might be just the reason you need to make the leap.

Overtime, the database might continue to accumulate inactive items but these items seem to always get in the way.

In MISys 6.4.4, there is a new company option tab that will provide that database with a little more structure in managing those inactive items as well as ensuring current work does not get muddied with the use of those inactive items.


There are 4 options available:

a) Always Hide Inactive Items

If this check box is selected, inactive items will ALWAYs be hidden from lists and selection options. If it is not selected, users will see a “Hide Inactive Items” button when reviewing master files etc – like below:


b) Restrict Inactive Items on PO’s / MO’s or BOM’s

If any of these checkboxes are selected, you will not be able to list an Inactive Item on any Purchase Order Detail/MO Build Item or Material Item/BOM Build Item or Material Item. This rule will hold true whether the Purchase Order/MO or BOM is created manually or through an MRP function in MISys Manufacturing (for PO’s and MO’s). If it is not selected, any Purchase Order/MO or BOM Detail populated with an Inactive Item will return an error and cannot be saved until any Inactive Items are cleared.

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.
