MISys Manufacturing – MRP Purchase Order Item Pricing.

When using MRP Buy All, the Order Price will be selected as either.

1. Supplier (Last) Price – the last Price Paid to the selected Supplier of the Item, based on the Supplier Selection Priority.

2. Item Recent Cost – the last Cost of the item, independent of Supplier.

If Order Price was selected as ‘Supplier Price’ but you want the PO price to be different than the last price charged from a selected supplier, consider the following:

1.     For price Contracts with Quantity Discounts, the base price is used as the starting point to set the Supplier price.

2.     If the item price fluctuates, but you still want to set a short term agreed price for a supplier then change the Recent Cost (Home), which will then be loaded when creating the PO.

3.     If the item price ‘highly’ fluctuates, on a daily spot rate for example, then changing the PO price is likely the best option.


If you need any help or have any questions, please reach out to us here at Central Nervous Systems.



MISys Manufacturing – Purchase Price Breaks.


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