Purging Closed/Old Data in MISys Manufacturing Software

Your MISys database will grow increasingly large over time and with that comes an excess of closed and old dated manufacturing orders, work orders, inventory snap shots, item cost history, job details and log transaction information.  MISys housekeeping tools are available to purge some of those old records as shown below. It is highly recommended that a backup of the company is completed from the administration menu of MISys before any of these purges are attempted. 

To Purge Inventory Snap Shots:


To Purge Old/Closed WO's or MO’s:


To Purge Old Item Costs:


To Purge Job Details:


And to Purge Master Log Transactions:


If you have any questions on how to purge data and what the implications of purging that data might be please reach out to one of us here at Central Nervous Systems.



Manufacturing Improvement – the Probabilities of Success.


Bills of Material – Material Detail Types in MISys Manufacturing Software