MISys Manufacturing – Use ‘Purchasing Advice’ and ‘Production Advice’ to review What-If Simulations.
When building a Materials Management strategy from a forecast, a great way to view the output of MRP simulations is by running ‘Purchasing Advice’ and ‘Production Advice’. Enter the Master Production Schedule number for each simulated MPS run as shown below and run the report.
Checking Requirements and Possible Shortages for Expedited Orders
If you are running your MRP to plan for your requirements and have a limited number of BOM layers (2 or 3 layers) there is a simple solution for you to check whether an expedited production order will cause any issues/shortages in your supply and production schedules.
How to Get More out of MISys Manufacturing Software
30 minutes of discovery into ways that you can extend MISys beyond what you are doing today.
Seeing Who's Online in MISys
Quick note for those of you who occasionally need to use MISys with only yourself in the system – you know, Period Ends – Posting Inventory Batches – doing Backups.
How to Filter the Information You See in Grid View in MISys
If data isn’t purged from time to time, you might find yourself looking at a long list of old information when pulling up the grid view for things like Manufacturing Orders or Purchase Orders. Read this blog post to see how to filter the information you see in Grid View in MISys Manufacturing Software.
How to Change the Columns You See or the Sorting in the Grid View in MISys
I was talking to Normita recently and she was commenting on how crazy it was driving her that her Manufacturing Orders didn’t seem to be in alphabetical order anymore. I thought that if Normita was running into this then others probably were as well.
Looking up Items Using the Manufacturer’s or Supplier’s Part Number in MISys.
If you are a MISys Manufacturing Software user and you cannot look up parts by the number that the manufacturer uses, this post will help you .
A bit of information for MISys users who upgrade to Sage 50 Canada 2019.1 while on a MISys Version prior to
For those in the MISys Manufacturing Software community who are using Sage 50 Canada and are keeping current with payroll, here’s a quick bit of information for you.