How to Change the Columns You See or the Sorting in the Grid View in MISys

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I was talking to Normita recently and she was commenting on how crazy it was driving her that her Manufacturing Orders didn’t seem to be in alphabetical order anymore.  I thought that if Normita was running into this then others probably were as well.  One of the things that the MISys development guys did recently (thanks fellas) was to work on how the system keeps our preferences stored.  Once you upgrade up to 6.4 you get some changes to the grid view in MISys – I’m going to point out two of them here:


First, when you sort the columns in your grid view using the column headers like I did below in the PO screen MISys will remember the sort until you change it to a different sort.  That means that if you don’t click back on the standard sort (in this case the PO Number) it will continue to display whatever sort you most recently used.

MISys Table 1.png

Second, you can now change what columns show up in your grid view by clicking on the little icon in the top left corner of the grid view (see below).  This is a pretty sweet change (again thanks to the dev guys at MISys for this very useful improvement). 

MISys Table 2.png

That’s all I’ve got, talk to you soon.



How to Filter the Information You See in Grid View in MISys


Manufacturing Systems: Data Ownership