MISys Manufacturing – V6.4.5.0 Quality of Life Improvements

With the April 13 release of MISys Manufacturing Service Pack V6.4.5.0, several new features, referred to as ‘Quality of Life’ improvements have been added designed to improve the user experience - including speed and efficiency. One example is that the number of ‘Right Click’ options have been increased. For example, lines can now be duplicated on some interfaces such as Work Order Details as shown below.


Full List of MISys Manufacturing V6.4.5.0 Quality of Life Improvements

  • Added the ability to select the Source Currency for Pos on the PO tab of Master Files > Items.

  • Added Roaming Profiles (the ability to store user configuration settings for multiple users on a single machine, so they are now user-specific and not limited to machine-specific).

    • The above also means that the configuration settings for a user will “roam with them” if they log into a different machine.

  • Send POs now cleans up any .PDF files that are created when sending the mail.

    • Also, you can now define the location where any PDFs are created for emailed POs (defined in Company Options). They are now temporary, but you can direct where they are stored in the interim.

  • When dealing with import files without all the potential fields, you can now set all the missing fields to the default with a single button press (no longer requiring you to set each one individually)

  • Added an “over receive” prompt from Supplier Transfers.

  • Added the Build Item’s Description to the Production Schedule tooltip.

  • Added Ctrl-Scroll Wheel support for our grids so that you can scroll horizontally without having to click on the controls.

  • Added “Copy” ability from our main grids (both the row and individual cells within the row).

  • Added a button to the WO Detail toolbar to allow adding a new row duplicating from the currently selected row.

  • Companies with only a Single Location defined will have that Locations pre-fill when performing Move transactions (while using Bin Tracking).

  • Added Order Quantity to the Invoice PO Field Chooser.

If you have any questions or need any help with any of these new features, please feel free to give us a call here at Central Nervous Systems.



MISys Unposted Transactions


MISys Manufacturing – Easy Data Searches and Group Filtering