MISys Manufacturing – Quickly access Shop Operations.
If many Shop Operations need to be processed, the time taken to open and click the Shop Operations icon in each Manufacturing order can be time consuming. To reduce the overall time, MISys has provided a short cut that opens the Process Shop Operations interface.
MISys Manufacturing – Production Shifts and Work Center Available Times.
With the Advanced Manufacturing module in MISys, Shop Operations can be set up in Bills of Material as Routing Operations. An operation takes place in a Work Center, and each Work Center has a Production Shift Schedule that establishes the available time for that Work Center.
A Simpler Way to Process Shop Operations
Shop Operation Mobile (SOM) is a web application that allows users to transact MISys shop operations. It is designed to use barcode as the primary mode for data entry – for user authentication, selecting MO no. and selecting operation no. This is facilitated by a CNS’ modified MO traveler to print MO no. and operation no. in a barcode.