Manufacturing Operations

MISys Manufacturing – How to Quickly Edit a Bill of Manufacturing

MISys Manufacturing – How to Quickly Edit a Bill of Manufacturing

When Routed Operations are synchronized to the introduction of Components, a ‘Bill of Material’ becomes a ‘Bill of Manufacturing’.

With larger Bills of Manufacturing, it can be challenging to visualize the relationship of operations, and into which operations components are being introduced into.

Manufacturing Improvement – Routing Operations

Manufacturing Improvement – Routing Operations

The term Bill of Material (BOM) can be misleading because in many manufacturing systems, the BOM can contain not only Materials, but also Routing Operations like a recipe. When Material is combined with Operations, the Bill of Material is often referred to as a Bill of Manufacturing.

A Simpler Way to Process Shop Operations

A Simpler Way to Process Shop Operations

Shop Operation Mobile (SOM) is a web application that allows users to transact MISys shop operations. It is designed to use barcode as the primary mode for data entry – for user authentication, selecting MO no. and selecting operation no. This is facilitated by a CNS’ modified MO traveler to print MO no. and operation no. in a barcode.