
Marketing CNS Marketing CNS

MISys Manufacturing –Use a Test Company for What-if Forecast Simulations.

Manufacturing leaders are always interested in gaining more visibility about the future because visibility helps define strategy. For the Materials and Production Management leads, creating future strategy such as for the next quarter can be really challenging because it involves finding ways to accurately refine various sales forecast scenarios into the time phased material and production demands.

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Marketing CNS Marketing CNS

Continuous Improvement Starts with Good Data

There is a lot of effort going into continuous improvement in manufacturing these days. Few people would argue that a culture dedicated to continuously improving business operations is not a good thing. Although continuous improvement projects start with the best intentions in mind, they don’t always result in meaningful positive change to the way things are done.

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Marketing CNS Marketing CNS

Accounts Sets in MISys Manufacturing Software.

Do you find yourself in a situation where you want some items, or jobs transacting through a different set of accounts than the defaults you have set up in the MISys Company Option – Control Account Settings?

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